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Government Of Assam Housing & Urban Affairs Directorate of Town and Country Planning

Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme (IHSDP)

  • Under Integrated Housing & Slum Development Programme (IHSDP), as on October 2018, 16 housing & slum development projects have been sanctioned by Govt. of India for estimated amount of Rs.84.99 crores under IHSDP of JNNURM. Out of this, so far an amount of Rs.45.32 Crores has been released by Govt. of India and State Govt has released Rs.11.20 crores, which are being implemented by concerned ULBs.

    Details are in:  Status Report

    Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme (IHSDP)
    IHSDP at a Glance190.22 KBswf-image
    Present Status and Monthly Progress Report for July,201664.94 KBswf-image
    Modified Guidelines for IHSDP154.57 KBswf-image