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Government Of Assam Housing & Urban Affairs Directorate of Town and Country Planning

Infrastructure Projects under 10% Allocation of Central Pool Fund provided for North East Region

  • Under this programme, as on October, 2022, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Govt of India had sanctioned 62 projects in 48 towns for an estimated amount of Rs.436.92 crores. So far, Govt of India has released Rs.270.13 crores and State Govt has released 34.84 crores for implementation of the projects, which are being implemented by ULBs concerned. Out of 62 Projects 23 has already beem completed.

    Details are in  Status Report.


    Infrastructure Projects under 10% Allocation of Central Pool Fund provided for North East Region
    Guidelines for Sanction and Implementation of Projects out of 10% Lump Sum Provision for the Benefit of N.E Region199.31 KBswf-image
    Revised Guidelines for Sanction and Implementation of Projects out of 10% Lump Sum Provision for the Benefit of N. E Region96.71 KBswf-image
    Present Status73.2 KBswf-image